Timeout's ?

Hello guys,

in the last days my server has many many Timeouts. Many players just crash every 10 minutes, and often there are in the whole server ~5-10 Timeouts in 1 minute.

What can be the cause of this?

I hope that someone can help me.



Nobody has an idea?

they crash in difference places or always on the same +-place ?

Originally Posted by GunFight ◄•٠· ̇
they crash in difference places or always on the same +-place ?
Uhm, never looked at this, but as I can remember it happens everywhere on the map.

it's hard to help there can be lot of different things wich is timeout them

If they crashed always at the same place i would say its because of an object.. i had that problem too

Originally Posted by GunFight ◄•٠· ̇
it's hard to help there can be lot of different things wich is timeout them

If they crashed always at the same place i would say its because of an object.. i had that problem too
Ye, objects are not the cause, I dont have many of them, and only far away in the sea.

Do you by any chance run an IRC bot? If so, how many bots, and how many players are averaging on your server?

Originally Posted by _❼_
Do you by any chance run an IRC bot? If so, how many bots, and how many players are averaging on your server?
Im using Incognito's IRC Plugin for Linux.
I have 4 bots made in it.
The average is at GameMonitor at ~32 but we also had 80+ players.

Oh, well ... can't be that then ... sometimes if you have just one bot for lots of players you get timeouts. Hmm .. what else... maybe some of your players are using mods? Sometimes mods that let one player do something wierd, cause other people to crash because they aren't syncd with the mod.

Yeah I know this. But ~1 Month ago we didn't had this problem. And it appears random that ~10 players just get a Timeout...every 5 minutes.

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