15.06.2010, 16:12
I want to put a timer on respawning a vehicle, like I input a command in a vehicle and then the vehicle gets vanished right at the moment I input the command and after the setted time, it gets respawned.
Originally Posted by ||123||
Please help me.
forward ReloadCars(); |
In OnGameModeInit() SetTimer("ReloadCars", 60000, 1); |
public ReloadCars(); { SendRconCommand("unloadfs"); SendRconCommand("loadfs"); } |
Originally Posted by Ihsan_Cingisiz
that the server unloads it... Example : At the top of your script. Quote:
new cardestroytimer;
if(!strcmp(cmdtext,"/destroyvehicle",true,15) { if(!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xffffffaa,"This command can only be used in a vehicle"); new veh=GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); cardestroyertimer=SetTimerEx("destroycar", 300000,0,"d",veh); return 1; }
forward destroycar(vehicleid); public destroycar(vehicleid) { SetVehicleToRespawn(veh); return 1; }