Problem-Adding objects into the server. No effect. Help please!

I'm having troubles with adding objects into the server. I'm putting the objects as I need to, in the place that I have to and no errors. But when I'm uploading the mode to the hosted server and uploading the hosted server, getting inside and guess what? nothing added. No objects. can it happen because of many objects? maybe do you know the problem? thanks you.

If you are using FILTERSCRIPT and want to load your objects on start, make sure 'CreateObject's are in 'OnFilterScriptInit'

If you are using GAMEMODE and want to load your objects on start, make sure 'CreateObject's are in 'OnGameModeInit'

If you think you have too many objects, you should check one of first objects you added, if they exist.

In any case, check if you inputed object parameters correctly, mostly the modelid should be

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