First time with gangzones


This is my first ever time using gangzones,
I have got the minx, miny, maxx, maxz for where i want the gangzone to show which is over LS Airport.
I have used GangZoneShowForPlayer when the player spawns, BUT When i goto LS Airport i dont see it,
Although if i goto the edge of LS, Where the small bridge is to SF, next to the beach, The gangzone is there!
Why is this? The coordinates i have are correct as i checked them using IsPlayerInArea


EDIT: I found it but its not in the location i want it,
Why isent it over LSAP?

[img width=1024 height=640]/imageshack/img210/3690/radarp.png[/img]

  • Maybe mixed up maxX with minX / maxY with minY?
  • If not, show the code please.

Originally Posted by DeathOnaStick
  • Maybe mixed up maxX with minX / maxY with minY?
  • If not, show the code please.
It starts where i want it to but it dosent finish where i want it to

Use Sief_'s IsPlayerInArea generator, then get the cords and put them into your gangzones.

Originally Posted by Joe_
Use Sief_'s IsPlayerInArea generator, then get the cords and put them into your gangzones.
Thats exactly what ive done.
It starts where i want it to but it carries on, It never ends

Re-do the cooridnates.

I done this once, I by accident deleted the ' - ' and ofc, -100.0 is much different to 100.0, I don't know what else to say otherwise.

Originally Posted by Joe_
Re-do the cooridnates.

I done this once, I by accident deleted the ' - ' and ofc, -100.0 is much different to 100.0, I don't know what else to say otherwise.
As i said :P There correct because i ran test with IsPlayerInArea,
And there isent any - missing or anything like that

Maybe IsPlayerInArea is different?


IsPlayerInArea(MinX, MinY, MaxX, MaxY);

Gangthingy(MaxX, MinX, MinY, MaxY);

Have a look?

Use xtremes vehicle plotter. you can drag a gangzone.

Originally Posted by Joe_
Maybe IsPlayerInArea is different?


IsPlayerInArea(MinX, MinY, MaxX, MaxY);

Gangthingy(MaxX, MinX, MinY, MaxY);

Have a look?
Nope its not. Just looked
Originally Posted by _Ч§hмf†ҐЧ™_
Use xtremes vehicle plotter. you can drag a gangzone.
Ok let me just say something.

I already have a thing that uses IsPlayerInArea,
If they use the command and there not in the area,
Then it shows the Gangzone, So they need to be the exact same

Well, if you need to display it correctly, search for RyDeR's gangzones filterscript. I use it every time and it works.
(also see it's instructions).

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