How can i do /b, /o and /me?

how can i do this command?
Is there any filterscipt didint find. :S
Who knows where i can find this or who can script for me?

you can get lot of examples from roleplay gamemodes just check gamemode section

Firstly: No one will script for you whole commands.
Secondly: What is /b and /o going to do?
Thirdly: Learn to script please if you want to make your own things.

Originally Posted by Flashy
Firstly: No one will script for you whole commands.
Secondly: What is /b and /o going to do?
Thirdly: Learn to script please if you want to make your own things.
---> Firstly i'm trying to learn, please don't command me
I'm requesting scripts to learn

If you can tel what /o and /b is for, Maybe we can help you a bit.. More.

Originally Posted by Dolph
If you can tel what /o and /b is for, Maybe we can help you a bit.. More.
They are for RP server.

Originally Posted by Ihsan_Cingisiz
Originally Posted by Dolph
If you can tel what /o and /b is for, Maybe we can help you a bit.. More.
They are for RP server.
Maybe /b is for OOC chat but what does /o do?
Please give some more info about what these commands do

What He Means Is What Does /o and /b Do Ingame

Originally Posted by DJDhan
Originally Posted by Ihsan_Cingisiz
Originally Posted by Dolph
If you can tel what /o and /b is for, Maybe we can help you a bit.. More.
They are for RP server.
Maybe /b is for OOC chat but what does /o do?
Please give some more info about what these commands do
/b Is OOC for nearby player, /o is for local,
but i already succeed /o, i only need /b now
I have /me too already

Originally Posted by Flashy
Посмотреть сообщение
Firstly: No one will script for you whole commands.
Secondly: What is /b and /o going to do?
Thirdly: Learn to script please if you want to make your own things.
Firstly: I would lovely script the cmds to him, so that's wrong.
Secondly: /B is for Local ooc. And /o(oc) is for global OOC.
Thirdly: It's logic that he's trying to learn and just asks for help, so he can learn HOW TO do it.

@ Treah
You can learn to make a /me herE:

An /OOC cmd could look like this:
pawn Код:
if(strcmp(cmd, "/ooc", true) == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "/o", true) == 0)
            if(gPlayerLogged[playerid] == 0)
                SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "You are not logged in.");
                return 1;
            if ((noooc) && PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 1)
                SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "   The OOC channel has been disabled.");
                return 1;
            if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMuted] == 1)
                SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_CYAN_COLOR, "You can't speak you are muted.");
                return 1;
            GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername));
            new length = strlen(cmdtext);
            while ((idx < length) && (cmdtext[idx] <= ' '))
            new offset = idx;
            new result[64];
            while ((idx < length) && ((idx - offset) < (sizeof(result) - 1)))
                result[idx - offset] = cmdtext[idx];
            result[idx - offset] = EOS;
                SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "USAGE: (/o)oc [ooc chat]");
                return 1;
            format(string, sizeof(string), "(( %s: %s ))", sendername, result);
            printf("%s", string);
        return 1;
And to enable and close your OOC code you could do like this:
pawn Код:
if(strcmp(cmd, "/noooc", true) == 0)
            if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 3 && (!noooc))
                noooc = 1;
                BroadCast(COLOR_GRAD2, "   OOC chat channel disabled by an Admin !");
            else if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 3 && (noooc))
                noooc = 0;
                BroadCast(COLOR_GRAD2, "   OOC chat channel enabled by an Admin !");
                SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "   you are not authorized to use that command!");
        return 1;

And the /b could be like this:

pawn Код:
if(strcmp(cmd, "/b", true) == 0)//local ooc
            if(gPlayerLogged[playerid] == 0)
                SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "   You havent logged in yet !");
                return 1;
            GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername));
            new length = strlen(cmdtext);
            while ((idx < length) && (cmdtext[idx] <= ' '))
            new offset = idx;
            new result[64];
            while ((idx < length) && ((idx - offset) < (sizeof(result) - 1)))
                result[idx - offset] = cmdtext[idx];
            result[idx - offset] = EOS;
                SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "USAGE: /b [local ooc chat]");
                return 1;
            format(string, sizeof(string), "%s Says: (( %s ))", sendername, result);
            ProxDetector(20.0, playerid, string,COLOR_FADE1,COLOR_FADE2,COLOR_FADE3,COLOR_FADE4,COLOR_FADE5);
            printf("%s", string);
        return 1;
I hope you can use some off it. I don't have time explaining now, but you're welcome to PM me if you don't understand it.

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