I Need help (Dialog's register and login)

Hello, greetings to all, I come to say hello, and ask for help with a problem I have with the pawn, I want to improve my script in the pawn, in this case was reading tutorials forums, but did not find anything to help me, I was registration and income adding to dialogues on my server, but when I enter and register in the tutorial I saw ..

1 .-) When I enter nothing happens I simply connect and close the dialog window

2 .-) When I want to sign, in my case an RP server, not passed to the tutorial, or write the data.

3 .-) If I could give a tutorial explaining how to put registration system and entry dialogs in samp if they would give me a tutorial would be grateful

What more would appreciate now, is to have a tutorial about adding income and record with dialogue but that the errors do not happen and these good without more to say I hope your help ..

Greetings to the scripter!

Sorry for my bad english, I From venezuela. Greeting's!!

Sorry doble post, my theread is down, plz response me!

You mean you're trying to add dialogs to your script and it's failing?

If so, show us the code.

Thanks friend, now listen to me I have a RP server, but the dialogue system on those servers eh I realized that it is different because when you connect your not respawnea the player, and when you sign up you do not pass the tutorial.

I hope you understand .. My code is the pandas I put it to the top:

 forward Loadmsg (playerid);
public Loadmsg (playerid)
/ * SendClientMessage (playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "|-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<-> -<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-< ->-|");
  SendClientMessage (playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Welcome to invasions Role Play!");
  SendClientMessage (playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "We hope you enjoy the server, and visit us in www.gaming-zone.cl!");
  SendClientMessage (playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "|-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-< ->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<-> -|");*/

  new plname [MAX_PLAYER_NAME]
new string [256];
GetPlayerName (playerid, plname, sizeof (plname));
format (string, sizeof (string), "users /% s.ini" plname)
if (fexist (string))

gPlayerAccount [playerid] = 1;
new loginstring [128];
new loginname [64];
GetPlayerName (playerid, loginname, sizeof (loginname));
format (loginstring, sizeof (loginstring), "Welcome,% s \ nYour nick is registered. \ nIngresa logear password for", loginname);
ShowPlayerDialog (playerid, 12 346, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Start Session" loginstring, "Connect", "Exit");
TextDrawShowForPlayer (playerid, Text: FondoNegroAbajo)
TextDrawShowForPlayer (playerid, Text: FondoNegroArriba)
return 1;
gPlayerAccount [playerid] = 0;
 new regstring [128];
new regname [64];
GetPlayerName (playerid, regname, sizeof (regname));
format (regstring, sizeof (regstring), "Welcome,% s \ nIngresa Register your password to your account:" regname)
ShowPlayerDialog (playerid, 12345, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Record" regstring, "Record", "Exit");
TextDrawShowForPlayer (playerid, Text: FondoNegroAbajo)
TextDrawShowForPlayer (playerid, Text: FondoNegroArriba)
return 1;
) [/ Code]

My OnDialogResponse:

 public OnDialogResponse (playerid, dialogue, response, listitem, inputText [])
  new SenderName [MAX_PLAYER_NAME]
new string [128];
if (response)
if (talks LOGINMENU == | | == Hold converse 12 347)
if (strlen (inputText))
new tmppass [64];
strmid (tmppass, inputText, 0, strlen (inputText), 255);
Encrypt (tmppass)
OnPlayerLogin (playerid, tmppass)
new loginstring [128];
new loginname [64];
GetPlayerName (playerid, loginname, sizeof (loginname));
format (loginstring, sizeof (loginstring), "Wrong password \ nIngresa the correct password \ not logear", loginname);
ShowPlayerDialog (playerid, 12 347, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Start Session" loginstring, "Connect", "Exit");
gPlayerLogTries [playerid] + = 1;
/ / If (gPlayerLogTries [playerid] == 4) (Ban (playerid);)

if (talks == 12345)
if (strlen (inputText))
GetPlayerName (playerid, SenderName, sizeof (SenderName));
format (string, sizeof (string), "Gz-Rp/Usuarios /% s.ini" SenderName)
new File: hFile = fopen (string, io_read)
if (hFile)
SendClientMessage (playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "This name already exists, please choose another.")
fclose (hFile);
return 1;
new tmppass [64];
strmid (tmppass, inputText, 0, strlen (inputText), 255);
Encrypt (tmppass)
OnPlayerRegister (playerid, tmppass)
 new regstring [128];
new regname [64];
GetPlayerName (playerid, regname, sizeof (regname));
format (regstring, sizeof (regstring), "Welcome,% s \ nIngresa Register your password to your account:" regname)
ShowPlayerDialog (playerid, 12345, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Record" regstring, "Record", "Exit");
if (! strlen (inputText))
   loginmsg new [] = "Wrong password \ nIngresa the correct password \ not logear:";
   ShowPlayerDialog (playerid, 12 347, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Start Session" loginmsg, "Connect", "Exit");
  return 1;
[/ Code]

I hope your help Thanks

Sorry, I don't understand what you're asking/saying.

Are you a native English speaker? If not, you can search the language board for your language and ask in there.

Sorry for my bad english, im from venezuela, im tryng saying why my words, Hi, mi problem is i have a RolePlay Server And I Add a system of dialog's (Register and Login), But always have a error when i register the server not goes to the tutorial of RP, And i register not Respawn my player.

їYou understandme?...

I Hope your response bye..

if u want a dialog to appear when a person connects.. its:
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
  new test[128];
  ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,[id],DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"[Your Dialog Title]",test,"Accept","Decline");
    return 1;

Ok i understand what he means. So im going to tell everyone,

He has done the dialog, But when he registers it dosent goto the tutorial like it should

Originally Posted by IanDaCJ
if u want a dialog to appear when a person connects.. its:
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
  new test[128];
  ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,[id],DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"[Your Dialog Title]",test,"Accept","Decline");
    return 1;
You dont have to use a string just:

pawn Код:

Thanks for your help, I think you know what you do, now I must place this in order to fix my problem, sorry if you are not well understood

This is what I think I have to put your telling me to fix the problem is income and record:

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) 
  new test[128];
	return 1;

Sorry doble post but, my theread down! xDD! PLz help! :S

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