SAMP working fine with DVD, if no DVD crash?

Hey, whats the problem? I got my SAMP running on Windows 7 Ultimate, x32 bit orsomething. So, i loaned my DVD to my friend and now my samp doesent work. What is the fix/ what can i do? I use a crack, but to run i still need CD, changing crack doesent work. Help!

I don't think we're allowed to discuss NOCD crack's on these forums, but if you want to find it on your own then use ******, I believe that there are several that work, however you'll need to get a v1.00 EXE.

I think we're allowed to talk about NOCD-s, because alot use them. I have the original version, just i hate that sound of my DVD rolling around..
I ******d: no results. I have version 1.00 crack, US. Need help, still. SP loads, until that Gta San Andreas comes up, if it goes out, there should be new game, but it crashes.

Originally Posted by Everybody
Hey, whats the problem? I got my SAMP running on Windows 7 Ultimate, x32 bit orsomething. So, i loaned my DVD to my friend and now my samp doesent work. What is the fix/ what can i do? I use a crack, but to run i still need CD, changing crack doesent work. Help!
Hmmm if you have ilegall game you need crack

If you have a legal game, you need a crack. I find it a chore to swap between a total of 3912398 CDs whenever I want to play a game.

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