OMG how can this happen

Hey guys i was testing filterscripts and i went out of my server and came in it said Your banned from this server.
i tryed to connect many times its no bug and how can i unban myself on my server i have no admin script .

login into rcon and type "unbanip [your ip]" then "reloadbans"

Check the samp.ban file in your server folder :P

How to login on RCON and there isnt a samp.ban thing.

/rcon login (rconPass)
/rcon unbanip (ya ip)

ya i know but when i go in server i cant spawn etc it sais in gray Your banned from this server.

and wut does #include <a_npc> do?

Assuming you have access to your server's root, go to samp.ban, open it, and do CTRL+A and press backspace, then close and save the file, afterwards restart your server. (However, if you have banned other people that you don't want getting unbanned, you'll want to find your IP and name and remove it from the file)

Originally Posted by TruServe
Assuming you have access to your server's root, go to samp.ban, open it, and do CTRL+A and press backspace, then close and save the file, afterwards restart your server. (However, if you have banned other people that you don't want getting unbanned, you'll want to find your IP and name and remove it from the file)
ye problem is i dont see the .ban file xD

EDIT: I was stupid i found the .ban file
i have 1 prob

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