In Need of a Scripter for a new Server

Hello, Im Emanuel, and i am in need of a scripter. I want to start a script from blank and go from there on. I am making a roleplay server, and all i need is a scripter. If you want to be my scripter, you will get a high rank as an admin. please email me at or, and if you have skype add me there as well. (EmaRod45) my name on skype will be robert. Thanks!

Nobody will do this for free - Roleplay servers take a good 6 months to script. If anybody wanted to get high level admin on an RP server they would make their own.

Originally Posted by [HiC]TheKiller
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Nobody will do this for free - Roleplay servers take a good 6 months to script. If anybody wanted to get high level admin on an RP server they would make their own.
(((i wont be so sure about that because hosting takes place and hosting cost money ))

i would do it for free

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