Idea for a nice gamemode?

My problem is that I need some nice ideas of a gamemode that I want to make, but the idea aren't used, or not made up by anyone.

I want to make something nice and yeah.. I think you get my point

Please give me your ideas!

Well if I do not know what better to do I think as a GUI Car Shop Menu.

Originally Posted by Montis123
Well if I do not know what better to do I think as a GUI Car Shop Menu.
Doesn't that already exist?

I'm asking for gamemode suggestions ^^ Not small things like 1 GUI or w/e

Las Ventras RP Gamemode , make it your own way , you will get much downloads from this ....

Originally Posted by Ivan_Pantovic
Las Ventras RP Gamemode , make it your own way , you will get much downloads from this ....
Why do you think I would? LV is maybe a rare city to RP in. But I don't really think about making a RP script atm.

Small, unique ideas make a good gamemode.

I think you don't really have to think it is a big gamemode just script from small to big and keep going even if PAWNO fucks you up.

If you don't have ideas, why the hell would you even think about making a server?

Idlewood Roleplay, There could be some nice gangs, Many houses, A few biusinesses, And a gas station :P

Originally Posted by ctb77
Idlewood Roleplay, There could be some nice gangs, Many houses, A few biusinesses, And a gas station :P
Already been made, i guess you can bring back that old script(:


All I can think of are small mini missions with stories behind them. Or a country roleplay, based in Red County and Bone County. It's been made before but people are always asking for new ones.

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