[help] i need help about vehicles!

so i make vehicles with MTA 1.0.3

and now i want to add it in pawno i go in convertFFS vehicles but not work

<vehicle id="vehicle (Slamvan) (1)" paintjob="3" model="535" plate="7SFB H8V" interior="0" dimension="0" color="86,0,0,0" posX="2116.4038085938" posY="-2215.68359375" posZ="13.386875152588" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="45.654663085938" upgrades="1118,1116,1010,1087,1083" />
  <vehicle id="vehicle (Slamvan) (2)" paintjob="3" model="535" plate="M93N 9WS" interior="0" dimension="0" color="86,0,0,0" posX="2084.7141113281" posY="-2189.2407226563" posZ="13.386875152588" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="63.51953125" upgrades="1118,1116,1010,1087,1075" />
  <vehicle id="vehicle (Slamvan) (3)" paintjob="3" model="535" plate="C5AG XW2" interior="0" dimension="0" color="0,0,0,0" posX="2099.1940917969" posY="-2199.7199707031" posZ="13.386875152588" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="49.624633789063" upgrades="1074,1010,1087,1116,1120" />
  <vehicle id="vehicle (Slamvan) (4)" paintjob="3" model="535" plate="ENAZ SPQ" interior="0" dimension="0" color="0,0,0,0" posX="2062.8588867188" posY="-2221.70703125" posZ="13.386875152588" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="272.66064453125" upgrades="1121,1115,1010,1087,1078" />
  <vehicle id="vehicle (Slamvan) (5)" paintjob="3" model="535" plate="I8BR UX6" interior="0" dimension="0" color="0,0,0,0" posX="2104.953125" posY="-2204.5383300781" posZ="13.386875152588" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="45.654663085938" upgrades="1010,1087,1082,1120,1116" />[/color]

So how to add vehicles?

Try using SA-MP debug. I think there's a vehicle adding tuorial in HERE.

Originally Posted by LV CNR
Try using SA-MP debug. I think there's a vehicle adding tuorial in HERE.
He's talking about how he used "MTA" to put the vehicles were he wants but is unable to convert them.

Originally Posted by Kyle_
Originally Posted by LV CNR
Try using SA-MP debug. I think there's a vehicle adding tuorial in HERE.
He's talking about how he used "MTA" to put the vehicles were he wants but is unable to convert them.
Oh... use debug still. Because convertffs doesn't convert MTA vehicles to SA-MP. It only changes SA-MP vehicle settings.
However, there may be a converter out there that will do this job.
EDIT: Also if you ever have objects, use convertffs objects, it will convert MTA objects to SA-MP CreateObject or other forms.

Um......well it's easy to convert i say but use...nvm to hard to explain on the FS section their is an converter somewhere.


D**** it i always get beat lolz

here are ur vehicles :

AddStaticVehicle(535, 2116.4038085938, -2215.68359375, 13.386875152588, 45.654663085938, -1, -1); //0
AddStaticVehicle(535, 2084.7141113281, -2189.2407226563, 13.386875152588, 63.51953125, -1, -1); //1
AddStaticVehicle(535, 2099.1940917969, -2199.7199707031, 13.386875152588, 49.624633789063, -1, -1); //2
AddStaticVehicle(535, 2062.8588867188, -2221.70703125, 13.386875152588, 272.66064453125, -1, -1); //3
AddStaticVehicle(535, 2104.953125, -2204.5383300781, 13.386875152588, 45.654663085938, -1, -1); //4

Originally Posted by Etch ❽ H
here are ur vehicles :

AddStaticVehicle(535, 2116.4038085938, -2215.68359375, 13.386875152588, 45.654663085938, -1, -1); //0
AddStaticVehicle(535, 2084.7141113281, -2189.2407226563, 13.386875152588, 63.51953125, -1, -1); //1
AddStaticVehicle(535, 2099.1940917969, -2199.7199707031, 13.386875152588, 49.624633789063, -1, -1); //2
AddStaticVehicle(535, 2062.8588867188, -2221.70703125, 13.386875152588, 272.66064453125, -1, -1); //3
AddStaticVehicle(535, 2104.953125, -2204.5383300781, 13.386875152588, 45.654663085938, -1, -1); //4
You might wanna tell him how you did that do he will know in the future.

Check my video in the tutorial, I've shown how to
convert objects and vehicles

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