OnPlayerSpawn Timer not Ending problem

I'm trying to setup a injured/dying system, Basically I want it to when you reach between 1-10 HP you get injured, Than you die and you respawn where you we're and your health slowly decreases over 60 seconds until you spawn at a certian location, full health. It slightly works but the timer doesn't end, I don't understand


Why isnt the timer being killed?

I'm still dumbfounded.

How do you know that the timer is not being killed? Does it work in game or not?

The timer works, Its supposed to check if your health is equal to 1 if its not it will continually decrase your health by 1, When it reaches 1 it does all the other things it does except kills the timer, It reaches 1 health, Spawns me and sets my onfloor to 3 but never ends the timer, So it just keeps decreasing my health.

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