Los Santos Police Department Under Construction


I Have been mapping for 2 years, now i thought i will Share it

Los Santos Police Department Under Construction

Movie 0002

Pawno Code
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CreateObject(1238, 1534.134765625, -1713.5561523438, 12.700992584229, 0, 1.9830322265625, 0);
Great for RolePlay!




Not bad at all this is the first of this i have seen, its nice to see something new. 4/5

Originally Posted by Shady91
Not bad at all this is the first of this i have seen, its nice to see something new. 4/5

Yeah this is kinda unique
4/5 too

What happens when they are done constructing on it? Does the stuff go away, does anything new appear?

Originally Posted by NiiRV4N4
What happens when they are done constructing on it? Does the stuff go away, does anything new appear?
Well I Will Release a new PD Soon :P, sorta like a Roleplay thing,

1.begin construction
2.finish construction
3.New Police Department

Originally Posted by ViruZZzZ_ChiLLL
Yeah this is kinda unique
4/5 too

Don't double post my man
just write it in a single post :P


Awesome ending to the video.

The map looks pretty good, a bit choppy around the edges, but that can't really be helped

nice map, i like it

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