08.05.2010, 07:39
I want that the textdraw should only show if a players types /accept.. If they use /accept they get this RJoined[playerid] = 1;.. So it should show the textdraw if its 1 if its 0 it should hide it. Pls help
public DropValue() { if(IsTextdrawCreated == 1) { TextDrawDestroy(ValueText); IsTextdrawCreated = 0; } new TextString[40]; if(Value > 0) { Value -= ValuedropPerSecond; format(TextString, 40, "~b~Value: ~n~~w~$%d", Value); } if(Value <= 0) { Value = 0; format(TextString, 40, "~b~Value: ~n~~r~$%d", Value); KillTimer(DropValueTimer); } if(UseTextdraw == 1) { ValueText = TextDrawCreate(647.000000, 36.000000, TextString); IsTextdrawCreated = 1; TextDrawLetterSize(ValueText, 0.499999,2.000000); TextDrawSetShadow(ValueText, 0); TextDrawFont(ValueText,1); TextDrawSetProportional(ValueText,1); TextDrawSetOutline(ValueText,1); TextDrawShowForAll(ValueText); } } |