Quiz to the start of Registerition

So, I would like to request a quiz for RP server, so when you register and blablabla, After you have done The gender, City, age thingys, There would be a Quiz that would Include these questions, and choises to answer, and if the answer is wrong = kick

The real answers is braced, but dont brace them in the script..

What is OOC and IC(Write 1, 2 or 3 to answer)
1. Out of clothes and In clothes
2. (Out of Character and In Character)
3. Out of car and In car

What is Metagaming?(Write 1, 2 or 3 to answer)
1. (Using OOC information IC)
2. Using IC information OOC
3. Doing something that leaves the other player no change to fight back

What is Powergaming?(write 1, 2 or 3 to answer)
1. (Doing something that leaves the other player no change to fight back)
2. Trying to scam somebody
3. Trying to level your character fast

Wich of these is good RP example?(write 1, 2 or 3 to answer)
1. /me kills everyone in this room
2. /me throws Johnny_Gavin to africa
3. (/me pulls out a gun from his belt and turns the safety "OFF")

What is Deathmatching?(Write 1, 2 or 3 to answer)
1. (Killing player for no reason.)
2. running around like chicken
3. Playing normally in RP server.

What is Revengekilling?(Write 1, 2 or 3 to answer)
1. Revenging to your friend when someone has killed him
2. (Killing some guy who shot you earlier and you died.)
3. Killing cops becouse they arrested you earlier

What is chicken running?(Write 1, 2 or 3 to answer)
1.( Running right and left to avoid getting shot)
2. Running towards to chickens
3. Trying to catch chickens

Isn't this from... TRP?

Originally Posted by www.LV-CNR.lol
Isn't this from... TRP?
No, I got the idea from PR-RP, But the questions are made by me..

Help ?=)

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