21.04.2010, 23:40
I'm trying to make a free for all server, and i'm trying to make it so once SetupMatch is called once, it sets a "StartMatch" to start the match in 15 seconds, then start match sets the end the match in 10 minutes, then the EndMatch is suppose to call NewMatch in a minute and a half, which calls SetupMatch, repeating the process, but for some reason the timers don't get called all the time, or they get called only when one person is online, or they get called for certain players, when they're really suppose to be called for everyone who's online.
Here's the timers/codes:
By the way, in SetupMatch theres only the First and second match there because thats the one's im using to test to see if it works for now.
Here's the timers/codes:
By the way, in SetupMatch theres only the First and second match there because thats the one's im using to test to see if it works for now.