[Map] [MAP]Racoon Liquor Store (LV Edition)

Hello, my name is aldus, some might remember me as the Exe-Mapper for Zombie Outbreak RP.
I focus on mainly post apocalyptic settings, and abandoned buildings and interiors now.
Anyway, it's been quite some time since i released a map, so i give you this, and hope to release more from now on.

Quite some time ago i began working on a raccoon City map for SAMP, the map itself, got completed and forgotten about, and i have no intention to release that, however this is the liquor store, transplanted from raccoon to a open spot in LV.

I wasn't counting the items when i was making it as i have a very solid item streamer, but i know it's no more then 80.

CreateObject(12843, 1061.9089355469, 2410.3940429688, 9.8203125, 0, 0, 0);
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CreateObject(1849, 1059.3455810547, 2409.7778320313, 10.237999916077, 95.280029296875, 352.05993652344, 179.4599609375);
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CreateObject(2359, 1059.5977783203, 2407.5666503906, 14.335285186768, 0, 0, 300.18017578125);
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CreateObject(1242, 1058.9000244141, 2405.6999511719, 14.979999542236, 0, 0, 39.744842529297);
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CreateObject(2035, 1065.0651855469, 2406.9038085938, 9.8447494506836, 0, 0, 59.820007324219);
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CreateObject(2044, 1054.2991943359, 2411.9750976563, 10.38063621521, 0, 0, 31.894989013672);
CreateObject(3031, 1063.4913330078, 2408.9731445313, 15.728756904602, 0, 0, 300.18017578125);
CreateObject(3111, 1062.0234375, 2408.9016113281, 14.125, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2894, 1060.84375, 2409.6628417969, 14.125, 0, 0, 320.1201171875);
CreateObject(1210, 1064.4114990234, 2409.8715820313, 14.050000190735, 272.65997314453, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1210, 1064.4234619141, 2409.7521972656, 14.292742729187, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2922, 1064.4118652344, 2409.7292480469, 14.292201042175, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(3385, 1064.4010009766, 2409.7263183594, 13.949340820313, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2670, 1063.9283447266, 2410.8132324219, 9.9123649597168, 0, 0, 344.1201171875);
CreateObject(2672, 1063.2130126953, 2409.6166992188, 10.099774360657, 0, 0, 354.04504394531);
CreateObject(2673, 1061.6938476563, 2412.5500488281, 9.9146184921265, 0, 0, 3.969970703125);
CreateObject(2673, 1062.6976318359, 2413.9675292969, 9.9146184921265, 0, 0, 101.63983154297);
CreateObject(2676, 1055.0296630859, 2409.6374511719, 9.9301147460938, 0, 0, 328.10504150391);
CreateObject(2673, 1055.6313476563, 2411.5354003906, 9.9146184921265, 0, 0, 350.07507324219);
CreateObject(2673, 1054.4836425781, 2413.2780761719, 9.9146184921265, 0, 0, 272.30017089844);
CreateObject(2674, 1058.5137939453, 2407.4328613281, 9.8420524597168, 0, 0, 320.1201171875);
CreateObject(2675, 1056.3790283203, 2407.3200683594, 9.8845739364624, 0, 0, 280.240234375);


I don't remember any Liquor store in Resident Evil.

Originally Posted by _Jay_
I don't remember any Liquor store in Resident Evil.
The Scene when STARS first encounters Nemesis, The building there at is a liquor/grocery store.
I also combined the game map and the movie map.
if i were to ever release my full raccoon map, unlikely as it is, you would see.

oh, the film. Nice work

Originally Posted by _Jay_
oh, the film. Nice work
Thank you

Nicely done - 3,75/5.

Originally Posted by Don Correlli
Nicely done - 3,75/5.
Constructive criticism welcome

Nice map, very detailed.

I only don't like how you've place the doors, could be better.


Originally Posted by Heerlenking
Nice map, very detailed.

I only don't like how you've place the doors, could be better.

I Agree on the Doors actually, the problem is, the building itself, the doorway is quite smaller then the doors so i have to mess about with the X, Y, and esspecially Z coordinates to get them right, yet i never seen to be able to.

Oh if any of you do decide to use this, i would love the ip of your server if your willing

i like it
only whats the id from that house?

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