Get information before spawn?

Hey guys,
I wonder if we can get a information into the playerfile into the OnGamemodeinit, before spawning.

I did :
new idskin = PlayerInfo[playerid][skin];
But, playerid isn't defined.
Any ideas?

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
  // Get player data here and save it to PlayerInfo[playerid][skin]

public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)

  return 1;

Thanks, but it's not what i'm searching for.
I want to change the skin chooser in function of playerskin.
( a cop will have for exemple a cop displayed and a civil his skin)

I see, the only way I know how to do that would be to make a custom class selection. Make 3 fake AddPlayerClasses, then you can use SetPlayerSkin + SetSpawnInfo on the player when they're in class selection using OnPlayerRequestClass (the 3 classes are for detecting left, right using the classid in this callback). I hope this helps somewhat .

Okay, i will try, thank you buddy

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