help with dudb/dini

Hi, I have a problem with dudb saving system. Sometimes it writes "я" in the file on the first line. I have password_hash
on the first line, then it becomes яpassword_hash and then I fail to login until I remove it from there.

I really wanna solve this problem

Ill try to help u post ur code

Hey thanks, but I have no idea what code to post.. No matter what I have on first line, whether its password_hash or even if the line is empty,
it writes "я" there. I delete "я" from there, but next time I go play and login, it appears there again.

You've probably messed something in your dUDB functions, re-download the dUDB include.

I redownloaded dudb and dini, but the problem didnt go away.. anyway, it appears only in one account file,
so I think I messed something with that account.. Thanks for trying to help..

try: udb_hash

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