Need A PRO

Ok i need the BIG prog.... a pro who is able to make like Cops and robbers(the best server of sa-mp)

OBV big $$$$CASH$$$$$ HERE!!!!!

email me at codedetik A hotmail DOT com ,whit proof and CV

why!!!! Why does everyone ask for a PRO!

Proof of a CV? Are you going to pay like a real job does? If so, I'd be interested :P.

Originally Posted by [HiC
TheKiller ]
Proof of a CV? Are you going to pay like a real job does? If so, I'd be interested :P.
Yes i would be 2 but...

-_- another person asking for a gamemode made by "Pro's" im not sure who would assist you, but i dont hope these topics get like Godfather edits..... its wrong

Originally Posted by imaking
Ok i need the BIG prog.... a pro who is able to make like Cops and robbers(the best server of sa-mp)

OBV big $$$$CASH$$$$$ HERE!!!!!

email me at codedetik A hotmail DOT com ,whit proof and CV
ugh....with saying you need a pro , we dont get any award . no reason to "Be a Pro" wit you . BE YOUR OWN PRO AND MOVE YOUR LAZY BUT AND SCRIPT!

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