[HELP]Time in the teleportation

please help me to add a command in time to teleport the player to teleport only every 30 seconds.

    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW,"Welcome to Las Venturas");
		TeleportPlayer(playerid, 2127.4023, 2364.2280, 10.8203);
		return 1;

Use Variables and a Timer; For Example.

Go to the top and Create the Just Teleported Variable:

pawn Код:
new JustTeleported[MAX_PLAYERS];
This will be set to '1' in the command and will be reseted to 0 with a timer, while if its 1 you will not be allowed to use the teleport.


Now, Set it as 0 When a new Player Connects under OnPlayerConnect Callback:

pawn Код:
JustTeleported[playerid] = 0;
If a player logs out, the variable stays saved on the memory, then you must set it to 0.


Now you're ready to apply and create the Timer to reset this variable.

pawn Код:
    if(JustTeleported[playerid] == 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "ERROR: You have teleported Recently!"); // here you do the check if the player got teleported recently
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW,"Welcome to Las Venturas");
    TeleportPlayer(playerid, 2127.4023, 2364.2280, 10.8203);
    JustTeleported[playerid] = 1; // Here you set the variable that will be checked on the command and reseted on the timer
    SetTimerEx("ResetTeleport",30000,false,"i",playerid); // Here you set the timer so when its going to get reseted to 0
    return 1;

now you proceed with the timer

pawn Код:
forward ResetTeleport(playerid);
public ResetTeleport(playerid)
    new plname[24]; // Checking for The Name - Delete if the debug goes correctly
    GetPlayerName(playerid, plname, sizeof(plname)); // Checking for The Name - Delete if the debug goes correctly
    JustTeleported[playerid] = 0;
    print("30 Seconds has just Passed and %s is allowed to teleport!",plname); // Debug to check if this works correctly - Delete if the debug goes correctly
    return 1;

Line with error

print("30 Seconds has just Passed and %s is allowed to teleport!",plname);

 warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition

Just remove the print line from it, it's not necessary.

pawn Код:
forward ResetTeleport(playerid);
public ResetTeleport(playerid)
    new plname[24]; // Checking for The Name - Delete if the debug goes correctly
    GetPlayerName(playerid, plname, sizeof(plname)); // Checking for The Name - Delete if the debug goes correctly
    JustTeleported[playerid] = 0;
    return 1;

pawn Код:
printf("30 Seconds has just Passed and %s is allowed to teleport!",plname);

pawn Код:
print("30 Seconds has just Passed and %s is allowed to teleport!",plname);

thank you works here

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