Moving gates problem 3 !

Hi i want to make that only the cops team can open LSPD gates this is my filter script :
The guy who wants to open the gate must have rank 1 . So i want to make the gates that it will only open if you have rank 1

P.S : oh and another problem ! The //lspd objects spawn imediatly i mean if you hit that object there are many more of them in the same place , so you can destroy the fence because there are 100 or more in the same place . How to fix that please help !

#include <a_samp>
#pragma tabsize 0
new lpgate;

public OnFilterScriptInit ()
  lpgate = CreateObject(975,1548.571,-1627.423,14.058,0.0,0.0,90.000);
  return 1;
public OnPlayerCommandText (playerid, cmdtext[])
  if (strcmp(cmdtext, "/lspdopen", true) == 0)
    MoveObject(lpgate, 1548.571,-1634.002,14.058,3);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW,"Welcome to LSPD!");
    return 1;
  if (strcmp(cmdtext, "/lspdclose", true) == 0)
    MoveObject(lpgate, 1548.571,-1627.423,14.058,3);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW,"Come back later.");
    return 1;
//LSPD Base

return 0;

2. Maybe you've reloaded the filterscript a bit too often? xD
If you don't say that the objects should be destroyed OnFilterScriptExit, they won't :O
pawn Код:
    return 1;
1. Where have you declared the rank system? (In the Gamemode right? xD)
Put the gate system into the gamemode, or try to use
pawn Код:

I didnt understood nothing from what you've said !

Ok Ok xD
Now I try to write better English ^^
For problem number 1:

Where do you have declared the rank system? (Gamemode?, Filterscript?)

Case: Gamemode:
2 options:

1. Put the gate commands + the object-create functions into the gamemode
2. Try to create a function in the gamemode and use CallRemoteFunction in the filterscript


For problem number 2:

Objects in filterscripts aren't deleted after unload or reload =D
But if you reload the filterscript, the same objects are created again xD

So you must destroy the objects after reload with:

pawn Код:
   return 1;
Better? xD

Ok i try it now !

But i want to destroy those 2 objects from the //lspd base not the lsp gate !!! // Done !

//EDIT : or could be a lot easier if you would me at problem 1 instead of rank 1 : TEAM_COP . So if you are not a cop you can't open the gates of lspd like the mesage : You are not in the cop team !


No need to shout m8.

pawn Код:
public OnFilterScriptInit()
    for(new o; o < 3; o++) // Loops around all objects, there is 3 objects, so we will loop 3 times.
    return 1;
That will destory every object, including the gate.

secondly, you will have to add a if statement (A check) for your command.

pawn Код:
if(varible >= number) // if the varible is more or equals the number
    // do something, so in this case, put the MoveObject etc.
return 0; // If the varible is not more or does not equal the number, return 0 / False.
Here is a common example, this may not compile in your script!

pawn Код:
if(pdata[playerid][level] >= 1) // Playerid's level is more or equals 1.
    // Open the gate
    MoveObject(lpgate, 1548.571,-1634.002,14.058,3);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW,"Welcome to LSPD!");
    return 1;
return SendClientMessage(playerid, YOUR_DESIRED_COLOR, "Error: You are not high enough level."); // Returns a error message if you do not have a high enough level.

if(pdata[playerid][level] >=1) // Playerid's level is more of equals 1.
    // Closes the gate
    MoveObject(lpgate, 1548.571,-1627.423,14.058,3);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW,"Come back later.");
    return 1;
return SendClientMessage(playerid, YOUR_DESIRED_COLOR, "Error: You are not high enough level."); // Returns a error message if you do not have a high enough level.
Not tested, but should work.
Replace ' pdata[playerid][level] ' with the array that defines the level of the player.

but i dont want the gate to be opened with the player level ! I want it to be opened with the rank of the player !

0 - normal rank
1 - cop rank
2 - army rank
3 - swat rank

So rank 1 !


Same thing dude, rank 1 = level 1 or something, you make the array however -YOU- Want it.

I could name it ' pdata[playerid][bigassholefaggot] ' if I wanted, and it could be admin level.

Still not solved idk how to do it ! Bump , if someone can edit me the script i will be very gratefull !

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