{help} Cop commands

hi i put cop commands in my pawno but i do /setcop my id and say i set myself as a cop but whne i go to cuf someone it says im not a cop how do i fix this?

what Gm you use?

my own

Originally Posted by MatthewGarrowo
my own
i dont know your script...you want to create your own too.

yeah its my own but i dont kno where i went wrong

I guess an error is that dosent put you in Team_COP or what ever you use... Anyway I can't help without seeing that /makecop or whatever it is :P

On TOPIC: Try yourslef, Stop being a NOOB.


THis guy will surely abuse you liek he did ti me:

(L)Matthew Garrow(L) Gamin games said:
man are you ever gonna help
you kno what man fuck you im tired of waiting for you probly a fake cop to

So I'm not gonna help him. ALso to ALL Other scripter's I would bother helping him. It's a waste of your time.

she this guy is still being a retarrd the guy above is just mad becuse i firgured out hes faking being a cop hes also mad becuse my mother gives me more money then he makes a year

Really now this guys i fucking faking being a cop. He is a fuck sheriff have him show you his fucking badge VIA webcam you dumb fuck.

its fake his badge says "city of liberty" thats not a new york badge

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