20.03.2010, 16:18

I want to show you my Adminscript , its very simple and Register/Login is in GUI dialog.
- 4 Admin Levels [Mod,Admin,Superadmin,Serverowner]
- Registration/Login
- That`s all what it saves : AdminLevel , Money , Score , Kills , Deaths , Kill to Death Ratio .
- 26 Admin Cmds + 6 Userdcmd`s
Commands :
/ahelp /cmd
[ModeratorCMD`s]: /a /dec /freeze /unfreeze /explode /kick /takeweaps /clear /seecash
[AdminCMD`s]: /giveweapon /tele /gethere /setskin /sethealth /setarm /sethour /changeweather
[SuperAdminCMD`s]: /gmx /ban /setscore /setdeaths /setkills /givecash /setcash /veh
[ServerOwnerCMD`s]: /makeadmin
Credits :
>> BlackFoX_UD_(BfX) - For login/register tut in sa- mp.de
>> Golkiller - For dcmd and sscanf Tut in sa- mp.de
>> DracoBlue - For dcmd
>> Alex aka Y_Less - For sscanf
>> ShukaZ - For ideas
>> www.sa- mp.de - For the good and helpfully community
>> Hustler - For the script

Installation :
1. SimpleAdminScript in >> Gta order >> filterscripts
2. dini.ini in Pawno>>include
3.write in Server.cfg name of the filterscript
4.How can i be an Admin? In scriptfiles >>acc >> edit your account and set the adminlvl to 4 with notepad or go ingame and logg yourself as rcon admin and then type /makeadmin


pastebin code : http://pastebin.com/0T3p7jTH
Update v1.1
- Bug`s Fixxed
- there were in the cmd /clear 100 SendClientMessage`s but now there is one(dynamic)
- Stats are in Textdraw now