Checking if the player is in a CERTAIN checkpoint

I am making a delivery mission, how can I check if the checkpoint the player entered was the one for the delivery mission?

That detects if they are in any checkpoint. I want to make a system where if they are in a certain checkpoint (in this case, the one at the fuel station) it will set a new checkpoint in a different place. But I only want it to happen if they are in the one at the fuel station.

You can only show one checkpoint at a time, so ... ?

Originally Posted by jameskmonger
That detects if they are in any checkpoint. I want to make a system where if they are in a certain checkpoint (in this case, the one at the fuel station) it will set a new checkpoint in a different place. But I only want it to happen if they are in the one at the fuel station.
So you need a Checkpoint streamer.

Originally Posted by dice7
You can only show one checkpoint at a time, so ... ?
You don't get what I mean.
I know you can only show one at a time, but I only want it to happen if they are in the checkpoint at that certain location.

Originally Posted by ikarus
So you need a Checkpoint streamer.
No I don't.

Then use
combined with

Hmm you mean like.. PlayerToPoint?

PlayerToPoint checks if the player in this position with a radius, from 0 to INFINITE, it can be done with OnPlayerUpdate or with a command, and i suggest with a command, because it will be easier

Anyways, get your own position ingame, then copy it, and use the PlayerToPoint feature in the command which will be for EXAMPLE /delivergas, CreateCheckPoint or w/e the command is (I never use checkpoints) at the place, and when he arrives there, he gets money or w/e


Thanks, can you make it so that when he gets to the checkpoint, it does a gametext that says "5" then "4" then 3, 2, 1, etc (you get the idea), and if they stay there for the whole 5 seconds it sets the next checkpoint, but if they don't then it removes the checkpoint and doesn't set a new one.

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