Plz Help Me with OnPlayerLogin

I got a error when player log in to my server if he stay logged in for a long time his password changed for example if his password is password it will change into p ssword in player ini folder wat can be causing this problem i got the dialogue login...

plz help URGENT

This could be caused by a number of things, so you're going to have to try to pinpoint the problem here. Look through your script sections that changes the password varible. Also make sure it is being saved & loaded correctly to & from the file. Look into all those areas of your script to spot any errors. If anything, use print statements each and every time that password varible is changed in any way to pinpoint when and where in your script is causing this error

Originally Posted by XGh0stz
This could be caused by a number of things, so you're going to have to try to pinpoint the problem here. Look through your script sections that changes the password varible. Also make sure it is being saved & loaded correctly to & from the file. Look into all those areas of your script to spot any errors. If anything, use print statements each and every time that password varible is changed in any way to pinpoint when and where in your script is causing this error
im 12 i dont understand that is it an easier way to say it.

A varible...

new test;

test=1; // test varible is now 1

printf("test: %d",test); // shows in the server log when executed what the test varible currently is

Find out what varible is storing the account password(s)

Once you know the varible to keep track of, search this varible in your script and use those print statements to figure out exactly when the password varible is chaning 'password' to 'p ssword'

If you truly want to get anywhere in scripting, it'll take alot of time researching & reading up on how to do this or that. Your 2nd option is to contact someone that is already familar with the script you're using

You're never too young to start learning, but it does take ALOT of studying

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