Banned of my own thread

Yeah. Today while i was playing on my server. A man get in, make him admin 1337 and ban me. Then i go to the ban file into the server folder. I delete my ip of there. And when i get in game after, it say "You are banned". Also, i check the log, and i saved the IP of the hacker. And i put it on the ban file. Would be nice if sum1 could say me how to unban me of my server... Thanks a lot

You might have the wrong IP you deleted. Click here and make sure this is the number you deleted from sa-mp.ban
Also, if your server saves accounts, check yours, sometimes the admin system will have a "Banned=1" or "Banned=0" if the players if banned from the administrator filterscript. If your does have that "Banned=1" make sure yours it set to "Banned=0". Hope I helped.

Alright, first Server and thread are two different things, if you want someone to help you clean up your post because it seems like I am talking to a two year old.

Was this guy named Jake_Bear? Also, don't make people 1337 admins.

Originally Posted by Richy_Bugger
Was this guy named Jake_Bear? Also, don't make people 1337 admins.
Yea, you need a forum for people to apply on, don't make anyone admin who just asks. Your just asking for trouble...

I think he's saying the guy made himself admin.

I remember people saying there is a "backdoor" in the GF script that needs to be closed that allows people to go in and make themselves admin.

Originally Posted by Richy_Bugger
Was this guy named Jake_Bear? Also, don't make people 1337 admins.
Richy i aint do shit. Your the dumbass who banned yourself i logged out and yuo banned yourself. I am not a hack you made me level 5 admin and shit then your dumb ass friend came on and Non Rp to the max so i ban him and you get all pissy so i log out and you banned yourself. Talk about a major FAIL! on yuor account.

Originally Posted by kaisersouse
I think he's saying the guy made himself admin.

I remember people saying there is a "backdoor" in the GF script that needs to be closed that allows people to go in and make themselves admin.
Make THEMSELFS... admins?

Also check if there is -999 on adminlevel or level, because, that autobans.

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