Zombie mod?

Hi, I was just wondering, does a zombie mod exist for SA-MP or is it possible? Because a Zombie-RP would be awesome to make...

I was wondering the same a few weeks ago. I've seen a few servers, but they're pretty minimal and haven't really done that much to their script.

Well, there's Los Santos Zombie Apocalypse (fun objective-based) and Zombie Outbreak Roleplay (pretty much freeroam with zombies). But what are you asking for? A gamemode or a server?

The problem with this is that it need MASSES of zombies to be cool, and with the limits of SA-MP this is not possible.

Hundreds of zombies in every part of the city & humans hiding in scattered buildings... It would be very cool, but not really possible.

I was playing that Zombie Apocalypse long time ago, but didn't really like to play it. Something made it very annoying, might be cuz the zombies were real players & that way very smart, so it was almost impossible to get away from them. Also didn't get enough weapons to kill the zombies and in melee fights it was clear which part of the fight will take the victory.

Originally Posted by FoxtrotZulu
Zombie Outbreak Roleplay (pretty much freeroam with zombies).
Whoa whoa whoa whoa!!! Hold on just a second there! Have you actually played it for a good amount of time? Have you met ANY of the good players we have there? Did you ever attempt to get into an RP with someone? If you've played for as long as I or many of our regulars have, you'd know that isn't the case, and that you're wrong...VERY wrong.

Originally Posted by FoxtrotZulu
Well, there's Los Santos Zombie Apocalypse (fun objective-based)
I don't think that server is a role-play server, I may be wrong, but I have never played it, so I wouldn't know.

To answer the main poster, yes it exists.

It is possible to create a Zombie mode.

Originally Posted by MenaceX^
It is possible to create a Zombie mode.
Yes. Quite possible.

This is nice zombie FS, creates zombies(objects) and they are attacking people

Originally Posted by Burridge
Originally Posted by FoxtrotZulu
Zombie Outbreak Roleplay (pretty much freeroam with zombies).
Whoa whoa whoa whoa!!! Hold on just a second there! Have you actually played it for a good amount of time? Have you met ANY of the good players we have there? Did you ever attempt to get into an RP with someone? If you've played for as long as I or many of our regulars have, you'd know that isn't the case, and that you're wrong...VERY wrong.

Originally Posted by FoxtrotZulu
Well, there's Los Santos Zombie Apocalypse (fun objective-based)
I don't think that server is a role-play server, I may be wrong, but I have never played it, so I wouldn't know.

To answer the main poster, yes it exists.
1) That's just my opinion, I have played for a while on the server and it can be fun.
2) I never said LSZA was a roleplay server.

Okay well is there any Zombie FS that WORKS?

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