Efficient Automatic Gates


I'm currently scripting my map, and after a phew goes at creating gates in the past, I always end up with one timer for each gate, or just too much code.

Can anybody teach me how to create multiple automatic gates with only one timer?
Dchidell gave me a really good gate function but I've lost it

I'd prefer nobody to lead me to one of the many includes/filterscripts, because I'll be releasing the script.
You'll get credits in the release for the code.

Please remember I need it to be efficient and not very memory consuming. (No more than one timer, and no big arrays)
I don't like asking for help, but here I am

Cheers m8s


Here you only need 1 timer for all gates


I did try this. It created the gates, but they wouldn't move. No idea why

The coordinates were correct, and I double-checked the code, strange thing, the gate creators don't work either.

Originally Posted by Joe_
I did try this. It created the gates, but they wouldn't move. No idea why

The coordinates were correct, and I double-checked the code, strange thing, the gate creators don't work either.
It worked fine for me. I've had no problems with it

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