I looking for script for zombie server

Hello i looking for scripter on zombie server on san fierro i need this



zombie killers-

And 10 rank's
1: 0/50xp ::: Colt,Showel
2:0/100xp ::: Colt,Showel,
3:0/150xp ::: Deagle,Showel,Grenade
4:0/200xp ::: Shotgun,Desert Eagle,grenade,
5:0/300xp ::: Sawn-off,Desert Eagle,Molotov
6:0/600xp ::: Sawn-off,Desert Eagle,Shovel,Molotov
7:0/800xp ::: Sawn-off,Desert Eagle,Shovel,Molotov
8:0/900xp ::: Sawn-off,Desert Eagle,Chainsaw, Molotov
9:0/950xp ::: Combat Shotgun,Desert Eagle,Chainsaw,Molotov,Sniper
10:0/1000xp ::: Combat Shotgun,Desert Eagle,Chainsaw,Sniper,Molotov,Micro uzi,armor

And commands

/searchhp searching HP pack in houses
/searchantidote search Antidote in houses

/antidote if u have antidote stop falling HP
/hp give u hp when u have HP pack

/searchfuel search fuel in houses

/fuel add fuel to vehicle

/report id reason ::: report player to admin

and admins commands

/zombie id :::changing player team
/civilian id :::changin player team
/invite id :::inviting player to zombie killers
/univite id :::kick player from zombie killers

/kick id ::: kicking player from the server
/ban id ::: ban player from the server
/warn id ::: warning player 5/5 warn = ban
/res ::: restarting server

Contact theserta@gmail.com


i dont understand u

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