Own SAMP server

Good day,

I downloaded your package for makng OWN samp server from the main website, I made the server. After I did all stuff and changed everything it works perfectly on IP, but it is just for me as I know.

I want to have my server in PUBLIC SAMP, so everyone can join. How I can make the server so everyone can join and see in SAMP servers?

Awaiting help,

As far as I know, If you wanted LAN; just use your LAN Numbers.

If you wanted to make it to public. YOu need a hoster or make a homehost. Which you need fast internet if you wanted a homehost.

Maybe person below me would know more than me


Originally Posted by ||.Rier.||
As far as I know, If you wanted LAN; just use your LAN Numbers.

If you wanted to make it to public. YOu need a hoster or make a homehost. Which you need fast internet if you wanted a homehost.

Maybe person below me would know more than me

Yea I wanna make it public...

I know . Just find a good hoster which one you prefer / wanted.

I am also looking for a hoster.

Hopes that will help you!


Originally Posted by ||.Rier.||
I know . Just find a good hoster which one you prefer / wanted.

I am also looking for a hoster.

Hopes that will help you!

I was trying to put "[myip]:7777" but it didn't work, I used both IP's from 2 different connections...how do I find host or how I can do it..?

If you wanted a host, Try see List of Server Hosts topic in Server Support board.

I don't know anything about the HomeHost. Because I never do it.

Try to ask more people about this. I'm not quite sure.


u can host it from ur pc
u usually need to portforward
and to get your public IP for the other users to connect

other users can connect through the public ip
and you connect through localhost ip

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