working just for me? and on VPS??

hellow guys,
today im standing a BIG problem , i almost did every thing to fix it , nothing fixed it, i runed a server on my VPS admin
(followed this guide:
when i runed my server (./samp03svr &) it says every thing is OK im on port 7777 i add my server on the Multi Player the title sayed all working, i got in to the server but it says me retrieving somthing... i have a router so i did the 10 second thingy , (its works on other servers) but it still giving me the "retrieving" error
so i added the server on my friends computer and first on the title it sayed my retrieving info... what the hell i need to do?
i need help, please
thanks in advance,

And to remind you, the server is running on VPS!
so whats the problem?!??! ;(

here a replay of my putty (now im only trying ./samp03svr)
login as: ******
******'s@**.**.***.**'s pass:
Last login: Fri Feb .****.****.net
[******@server ~]$ cd samp03
[******@server samp03]$ ./samp03svr

Started server on port: 7777, with maxplayers: 50 lanmode is OFF.

now i check my server on
putted my ip and it sayed me:
Key Value
Is server online No
Is server in internet list No
Is server in hosted list No

also, checked on 0.2.X and still the same, HELP?

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