[HELP] I have tried all things, it drives me crazy!!! [SOLVED]

Hello, I have tried all things I know, all the solutions, options, everything!!!!
I just want my server be online so I can play with my friends, do I ask so much!?

Ok here it is, I have been trying to get my server online for like 1 month now, and nothing.
I read many articles about port forwarding, and I did everything, I opened my ports and everything, but the problem is...
The server is online for me, but when my friends try to connect it's not working.. retrieving info:7777

Please help me, please! :'(


As you can see I am using Kasda router and I tried many IPs with ports (as I'm not sure which to use)
PICTURE: [img width=1024 height=640]/imageshack/img641/5171/14868732.jpg[/img]

I can connect to , to others it says retrieving info:7777, on every other IP it says retreiving info:7777 to me also, but to my friends it says it on every IP

If you have portforwarded, create a screenshot of the page where you portforwarded.

OK added...

So works for me, but for others not :S

And uTorrent port is working properly..

Ok, firstly, you only need one SA-MP server rule.

Delete the 3 existing ones and create a rule with the following.

Server Name: SA:MP
External Port Start: 7777
External Port End: 7777
Protocol: UDP
Internal Port Start: 7777
Internal Port End: 7777
Server IP address: This is the adress of the computer hosting the server (if it's the computer from the screenshot, open up command prompt and type in "ipconfig" (without quotes), then look for the adaptor you use to connect to the internet, and use the "IPv4 address"


What IP are you giving to your friend?

I tried to give all of these IPs, and none works...

Ok let me try that, and what to use as IP?

Originally Posted by LyQue
I tried to give all of these IPs, and none works...

Ok let me try that, and what to use as IP?
The IP you give him should be the IP from (http://www.whatsmyip.org/)

ok I tried with command prompt "ipconfig" and IPv4 Adress is

Ohh to add port to (http://www.whatsmyip.org/) IP adresss or IPv4, as they are different? :S

The IP address from whatsmyip.org you give to your friend
The IPv4 address is the one you put in the router

Ok I will try that now, thanks for the replies itspartytiem

Np, good luck with it.

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