car respawn time

How do i make a car re spawn time? Say a car is not driven for like 5 minutes, it re spawns to its originally spot. I've seen this done in many servers.

instead of AddStaticVehicle

Change it to AddStaticVehicleEx

And on the end of the 2 color codes, add a "," then the seconds amount.


	AddStaticVehicleEx(599,2779.3843,-2434.2644,13.3568,88.5203, 86, 86, 900); // Army rancher 1 with 900 second respawn

so this will make the army rancher respawn 900 seconds after a player has left it?

So if someone drove it off from it's original spawn place and left it for 900 seconds it will respawn?
the respawn delay in the basic createvehicle says:
respawn_delay The delay until the car is respawned without a driver in seconds.
However for addstaticvehicle says:
respawn_delay Time until the vehicle respawns when it is destroyed in seconds

Not sure if its the same or not.
So to be sure use CreateVehicle

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