everyone can login on everyone his acc. V-ADmin script

Hey all. I have a big problem with the V-Admin script: http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=53074.525
When I make an account it is just okay
I can login and my admin powers are saved. But I accedently putted a wrong password. And it still says You are logged in and I had the admin powers. So lets make an example:

I come online: /login blabla
Then when I relog I do /login eijgwiejgwpjeg.
I can still login with the password I didn't even choose when I registered? How can I fix this?

That topic is still open. Post it there

Password must be the first thing in players userfile.

Sorry guys. It is because I logged in on my own IP. I noticed that when you log in to your own IP the password doesn't minds

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