Download script in my singature that is simple house system one line one house example
AddHouse(houseid, Float:iconX, Float:iconY, Float:iconZ, Float:interiorX, Float:interiorY, Float:interiorZ, Cost, Sell, Interior, Virtualworld)
houseid- Always start with 0!
icon- X/Y/Z: Pickup in front of door
interior - X/Y/Z: interior of house, more info here >
Cost - price of house
Sell - when you sell you will get that amouth of money you will set
Interior - interior of house never set on >0<
Virtualworld - set on 1 or 0 i reccomanded on 0 that is for beginers
open script and use "find" to find onfilterscriptint and add line of house here is example
AddHouse(0, 1442.9769,-629.5287,95.7186, 2317.8201,-1024.7500,1050.2109, 250000, 200000, 9, 0);
AddHouse(1, 1980.9896,-1719.0171,17.0304, 328.1465, 1478.4457,1084.4375, 200000, 150000, 15, 0);
commands for house are....
- /buy
- /sell
- /enter
- /exit
- /lock
- /unlock
- /home
- /rent
- /unrent
- /setrent [0/1] [Cost]
- /getrent
- /payrent
- /housestats
- /house
- /ordercar [carname]
you can make house car too here is example for that
AddHouseCar(1, 429, 1975.3328,-1709.8126,15.9688, 0, 0, 5*60*1000);//5 min respawn delay
good luck
this is easy and power house system i have 140 houses on my server and all work exelend also i have alot players, all players love when they can have house
OMG I FORGGET: in script you have MAX_HOUSES set to number you need or some house will not work!