[NEED]Sombody help me with REGISTER SYTEM

i need simple registration system!
what can save money and kills
when player choose classes or already enter the server, he must login!
an need function /savecash [amount] - to save money in pocket( ) (like bank system)
and /mycash - balance
/getcash [amount]

/register -register on server
/login - enter in account
/stats - wiew kill and money and cash in pocket

this all must sving here: scripfiles/[nickname].txt

thanks for all(only if you help me)

maby this is an idea for your new script


What did you come up with so far?

I'm need only this system...
'cause i'm f*****g newbie in scripting, and whatever i learn, i'm a noob!

If you want someone to make it for you its the wrong section.


Originally Posted by Nexotronix
I'm need only this system...
'cause i'm f*****g newbie in scripting, and whatever i learn, i'm a noob!
Nah you just don`t wanna read through scripting documentaries...

oh...maby, but i hope somebody help me with this script!

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