PayPal question

Does anybody know about PayPal? Can I pay / buy by PayPal without giving my credit card information? If it is, give me some info how to do it

When you set up your paypal account you must enter your debit/credit/bank details one time. After that you never need to touch it again and you will be able to buy stuff just by putting in your PayPal username/email and password without any extra information/

Yea, the only problem is that I do not have a credit card :P

Then how are you expecting to pay for something online?

Although there is a way to set it up with your bank account without the aid of a debit or credit card. Visit the PayPal website and research in to it a bit.

Originally Posted by gotenks918
Then how are you expecting to pay for something online?
IDK. I just work with donations

Get a Debit Card.

You can link your bank card and transfer money using a bank account transfer, although paypal 'subscriptions' require active credit cards

Originally Posted by iLinx
You can link your bank card and transfer money using a bank account transfer, although paypal 'subscriptions' require active credit cards
No point, just set it up to take the money straight out of the bank as transfers take a few days.

Their bank account transfers take like 2 weeks outside the United States.

why did the fools changed it?
my Bank account has 6 digits and i need 7 or 8 what the fuck?

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