26.01.2010, 03:19
Los Santos Police Departament Guard [BOT]
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How to install
Well is very easy to install, i will give links abobe this. First you need to extract Guard to your npcmodes > recordings. Then extract Guard.PWN and Guard.AMX to your npcmodes folder. Then open up GuardNPC filterscript and put it into your filterscripts folder. Now go into your SERVER.CFG and on the filterscripts line you will add GuardNPC and on the maxnpc line you will put a random numer. Since i only used this for a test i had to put a number 1.
Hello this is my first NPC i made of the year, is just a simple script that the bot go around Los Santos PD like a real life Security person.
The Bot is on a LS PD cop car.
The file is on a .RAR inside of it i will show instructions again
Since i do not have a screen recorder i would like for somebody to record this to me please