Prox Detector

hey all im doing one function to use Prox Detector easyer i copyed the same thing but for sendclientmessage

pawn Код:
#define SendFormattedMessage(%0,%1,%2) do{new _str[128]; format(_str,128,%2); SendClientMessage(%0,%1,_str);}while(FALSE)
im trying to do it but for Prox Detector i used

pawn Код:
#define SendFormattedProx(%6,%7,%8,%1,%2,%3,%4,%5) do{new _str[128];format(%6,%7,128,%1,%2,%3,%4,%5);ProxDetector(%6,%7,_str,%1,%2,%3,%4,%5);}while(FALSE)
but it gives me error (i know its wrongly did) can any guy help me??

in advance thanks

DarK TeaM PT

idk i just tried it by myself but its all wrong lol

its not important which number comes when but its limited to 10

pawn Код:
//SendFormattedProx(playerid, Float:radius, stringsize, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, text[], {Float,_}:...)
#define SendFormattedProx(%6,%7,%8,%1,%2,%3,%4,%5,%9) do{new _str[%8];format(_str,%8,%9);ProxDetector(%7,%6,_str,%1,%2,%3,%4,%5);}while(FALSE)

try this:

pawn Код:
native SendFormattedMessage ( playerid , color , const format[] , {Float,_}:... );
#define SendFormattedMessage(%1,%2,%3,%4); \
    new xstr[128];\

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