DCMD Commands not working after adding some ZCMD commands :S

Ok, so "EVERYTHING" was working fine when i just had DCMD commands. But "AFTER" i added ZCMD Commands, they DCMD stopped working. BUT the ZCMD commands do work. umm, or is there a special place in the script to put the ZCMD?? i have the ZCMD commands above my DCMD commands. (sorry if i messed yall up xD)

i have everything define as its supposed to be. nothing wrong with the script either.

any help would be so daem appreciated . Thanx...

What's the reason of adding ZCMD cmds and DCMD cmds? Why not using only one of them?

Put your ZCMD function runner underneath of the DCMD functions

didn't really worked, but i managed to make a FS out of it and everything is cool now. thanx for help

yeah i had this problem too ... im now puting all my cmds in ZCMD

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