Buffer overflow


I've some question.

My script randomly stops working, to be exact .. some commands from time to time start returning Unknown Command. This goes for around 5 minutes, most of my script functions aren't working anymore, and the server restarts. Buffer overflow I suppose?

The script runs for around 10-15 minutes, even with only 2-3 players connected, then the Unknown Command starts ..

MySQL queries nolonger work, etc.

What would be the easiest way finding out what causes the buffer overflow?
I've really no clue what would cause it right now, I .. uhm yeah, no clue what to do.

Yes, it is my own script, not some premade one.

Well do you have any filterscripts running?

Originally Posted by Backwardsman97
Well do you have any filterscripts running?
I've around 3k objects using Incognito's object streamer (in a FS), but I also temporary unloaded the FS, but that didn't fix it.

I'm also using his plugin for around ~ 400 3D text labels & 400 pickups

Well I would just try running your GM to see if that's the problem. Then maybe if it wasn't, just run the FS/Plugin to see which may be causing it.

You are using too much Timers. Try to reduce the value of all timers, or try to delete some maybie? And optimize your script to reduce CPU usage. The same was happening to me.

I'm just using one timer, which loops every second through all the connected players, for the rest I'm using tickcounts.

Originally Posted by //exora
I'm just using one timer, which loops every second through all the connected players, for the rest I'm using tickcounts.
That can be the reason.. How much ?

Originally Posted by » RэРиR «
That can be the reason.. How much ?
How much what? I tried replacing GetTickCount with a smiliar function (now), as it may warp due to the 32 bit thingy, no success, still having random buffer overflows.


We need help with this

Originally Posted by Y_Leѕѕ
The only way to really narrow this problem down is to add prints at the entry and exit of every function until you narrow down what function is called directly before the overflow, you can then narrow down the problem further from there with more prints. There's nothing else we can do without your code!
I really wouldn't like spreading out my gamemode to the public.. so uhm yeah. I'll try logging commands for now, if I still can't find it then the functions ..

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