Admins immunity

Hi guys , this is my first request , i need a edited command , its's about /ban cmd.
I need you to edit /ban cmd as an admin is trying to ban another admin ,this will recive the following message , You cannot ban another admin, reject command , and show the following message to all admins "(admin name) has tryed to ban (admin name)".I hope u guys can help me.Thx a lot.Sry for bad english

Post your /ban command.

pawn Код:
if(!IsPlayerConnected(banid) || banid == INVALID_PLAYER_ID || banid == playerid || pInfo[banid][level] == 3)return SendMsg(playerid,5000,"ERROR: Player is not connected or it is yourself or it is the highest admin level");
I am using this code,

if(pInfo[banid][level] == 3){
new pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], string[256];
format(string, sizeof(string), "Note: %s has tried to ban you", pname);
SendClientMessage(banid,COLOR_WHITE, string);


thx a lot

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