[Map] [MAP]MAB city

Hy all.Sorry for my bad english...
This is my first map.
Sorry for bugs.
The island is:

MAB CITY Version 1.:
CreateObject(18483, 2906.060546875, -1708.541015625, -5.3519520759583, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(4654, 2880.9030761719, -1708.7866210938, 14.386805534363, 0, 0, 254.79577636719);
CreateObject(4651, 2971.9790039063, -1786.6286621094, 18.97891998291, 0, 0, 346.10510253906);
CreateObject(4651, 3015.736328125, -1924.1795654297, 19.449125289917, 0, 0, 166.73950195313);
CreateObject(4650, 3060.1616210938, -1980.83203125, 0.71114730834961, 0, 0, 258.76574707031);
CreateObject(4654, 3102.0085449219, -1999.5437011719, 14.852368354797, 0, 0, 75.42956542968;
CreateObject(4654, 3165.0578613281, -2009.9854736328, 0, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(4820, 3211.8327636719, -2019.5216064453, 9.3291130065918, 0, 0, 356.0300292968;
CreateObject(8390, 3355.2407226563, -2027.5406494141, 27.303663253784, 0, 0, 85.3544921875);
CreateObject(18476, 3119.4421386719, -2004.8571777344, 11.982912063599, 0, 0, 260.7507324218;
CreateObject(4113, 3226.1616210938, -2046.3664550781, 43.967094421387, 0, 0, 356.0300292968;
CreateObject(18483, 3457.1208496094, -2037.9771728516, 8.0260934829712, 0, 0, 354.04504394531);
CreateObject(8523, 3579.7980957031, -2051.0803222656, 8.8301181793213, 0, 0, 83.36950683593;
CreateObject(8522, 3755.4760742188, -2044.7755126953, 8.4632263183594, 0, 0, 342.13513183594);
CreateObject(8521, 3934.0344238281, -1978.6940917969, 8.6990098953247, 0, 0, 29.77478027343;
CreateObject(5147, 3243.2043457031, -1926.3282470703, 17.237617492676, 0, 0, 264.720703125);
CreateObject(5147, 3260.5778808594, -1747.7818603516, 17.175268173218, 0, 0, 84.086669921875);
CreateObject(7605, 3271.4328613281, -1627.224609375, 7.4800033569336, 0, 0, 266.70568847656);
CreateObject(5147, 3165.5969238281, -1626.8668212891, 16.858606338501, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(5147, 2941.7084960938, -1617.7496337891, 16.868129730225, 0, 0, 175.39636230469);
CreateObject(18480, 3370.1276855469, -1631.6138916016, 7.4862365722656, 0, 0, 358.01501464844);
CreateObject(5156, 3478.7592773438, -1660.0465087891, 0, 0, 0, 266.70568847656);
CreateObject(5156, 3448.8374023438, -1647.6531982422, 0, 0, 0, 266.70568847656);

nice i will use it Thanks man !!

You won't coz you don't see pics.....

Dude post pics! And put the objects betwen

Pictures Please

i took a few screenshots:

EDIT: i forgot a screenshot:


Lonely heart , heya cool map you have there it's not a town but its nice and cute ! See ya

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