03.01.2010, 23:37
Hi for last 2 days i was trying to solve my enum problem:
And this is how i set the gRank
I want this to show up as an item in my stats dialog so i did:
When i do that i get Tag mismatch warning, and its about this line:
Finally i did print i get something like this:
I was trying to fix this problem for 2 days now, asked on the irc and nobody knew the solution, thats why im begging you for help, i just dont know what can be wrong ;l 
enum pRank { gRank[20] } new gPlayerRank[MAX_PLAYERS][20];
gPlayerRank[playerid][gRank] = "Private";
new string0[64]; format(string0,sizeof(string0),"Rank: %s", gPlayerInfo[playerid][gRank]);
format(string0,sizeof(string0),"Rank: %s", gPlayerInfo[playerid][gRank]);
Rank: 9ţ