A question

How can i check if my team any member is in range of point.
example: To capture you need to have 3 members at business and must have atleast 1 member standing in point to capture it

post in the godfather section if it's about the godfather script also there's a few script's with your kinda idea in it so maybe download it have a look at it see how it's made an start from there as no-one can code it for you here as we don't know what your script is mate.

Originally Posted by Shady91
post in the godfather section if it's about the godfather script also there's a few script's with your kinda idea in it so maybe download it have a look at it see how it's made an start from there as no-one can code it for you here as we don't know what your script is mate.
Mate, who said i am using GODFATHER? I am asking this for good scripters... And as i said i am using just teams ...
And i am just asking for a example
I know i need to use Loops but i dont know how to use it on team .


Originally Posted by Godfather:RP
Originally Posted by Shady91
post in the godfather section if it's about the godfather script also there's a few script's with your kinda idea in it so maybe download it have a look at it see how it's made an start from there as no-one can code it for you here as we don't know what your script is mate.
Mate, who said i am using GODFATHER?
i think becouse of your name :\

pawn Код:
new Float:posx, Float:posy, Float:posz;
GetPlayerPos(playerid, posx, posy, posz);

for(new i=0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
        if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5.0, posx, posy, posz))
This checks if any player is in 5.0 distance. I can't make it for teams because I don't know how you define your teams.

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