[Include] Gametext/textdraw encoding fix

After some testing I've found that you can use the following characters in gametext and textdraws:
А Б В Д Ж З И Й К Л М Н О П Т У Ф Ц Щ Ъ Ы Ь Я а б в д ж з и й к л м н о п т у ф ц щ ъ ы ь С с ї Ў °
but you need to convert your string's encoding first to what I am calling the GTASA charset. The fix I'm providing will convert from Windows-1252 which is what people usually have as their ANSI charset if their language is written with the above characters.
stock convert_encoding(string[])
	new original[50] = {192,193,194,196,198,199,200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,210,211,212,214,217,218,219,220,223,224,225,226,228,230,231,232,233,234,235,236,237,238,239,242,243,244,246,249,250,251,252,209,241,191,161,176};
	new fixed[50] = {128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,144,145,146,147,148,149,150,151,152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,94,124};
	new len = strlen(string);
	for (new i; i < len; i++) {
		for(new j;j < 50;j++) {
			if(string[i] == original[j]) {
				string[i] = fixed[j];
Example of usage:
So far I've only tested this only for strings from text files and command input as I don't like to write code containing non ASCII characters.

If you want to convert from another charset, you can use this list I compiled:
char	GTASA code point
А	128
Б	129
В	130
Д	131
Ж	132
З	133
И	134
Й	135
К	136
Л	137
М	138
Н	139
О	140
П	141
Т	142
У	143
Ф	144
Ц	145
Щ	146
Ъ	147
Ы	148
Ь	149
Я	150
а	151
б	152
в	153
д	154
ж	155
з	156
и	157
й	158
к	159
л	160
м	161
н	162
о	163
п	164
т	165
у	166
ф	167
ц	168
щ	169
ъ	170
ы	171
ь	172
С	173
с	174
ї	175
Ў	94
°	124
Hopefully this will help some of you. I'm aware it's not the most efficient function and doesn't even convert all of Windows-1252 but maybe if we're lucky someone better at coding than me will find it useful, rewrite it and share their solution.

Here's a screenshot of it in action:

The SS link is broken, and though not useful for me, this seems good..

Good, I go test it.

Works for me. Big thanks, mooman.

PS: Also gave you some rep for it.

i am not sure why we need to use them mostly. Ye i know some languages have them characters in their sentences but still.

Anyway good attempt

Wow, I've never knew that, thanks!
We use accent marks in Italian language and sometimes it looks very bad if you replace и with e' in textdraws.

How about ąčęėįљųū characters?

Those glyphs aren't in the GTASA font files so it's not possible AFAIK.

can use in thai language

Is it possible to use ©?

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