Alot of errors on compile.

I'm not smart enough to fix the errors on this script, its alot of errors i can't copy paste because its bullshit errors which always shows up when i do a big error in the script.
What am i doing wrong? I would like to learn from my mistakes
	if(strcmp(cmd, "/carwindows", true) == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "/windows", true) == 0)
			  SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "[Error] Bikes do not have windows");
			  return 1;
		  if(CarWindowStatus[GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)] == 1)
			  if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMaskuse] == 1)
				format(string, sizeof(string), "Stranger rolls down the window.");
				PlayerActionMessage(playerid,15.0,"rolls down the window.");
				CarWindowStatus[GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)] = 0;
		  else if(CarWindowStatus[GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)] == 0)
        if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMaskuse] == 1)
				format(string, sizeof(string), "Stranger rolls up the window.");
				PlayerActionMessage(playerid,15.0,"rolls up the window.");
				CarWindowStatus[GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)] = 1;
			SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "[Error] You are not in a vehicle");
		return 1;
What i did was adding the if player is using a mask then set his name as stranger, it bugged it all up

It wont help much, its usually a loose indentation or something like that when i get "bullshit" errors.

C:\Users\GuSo\Desktop\IBP.pwn(1653) : error 004: function "CreateRaceMenus" is not implemented
C:\Users\GuSo\Desktop\IBP.pwn(2039) : error 017: undefined symbol "MakeGate"
C:\Users\GuSo\Desktop\IBP.pwn(2059) : error 017: undefined symbol "AddCCTV"
C:\Users\GuSo\Desktop\IBP.pwn(2060) : error 017: undefined symbol "AddCCTV"
C:\Users\GuSo\Desktop\IBP.pwn(2061) : error 017: undefined symbol "AddCCTV"
C:\Users\GuSo\Desktop\IBP.pwn(2062) : error 017: undefined symbol "AddCCTV"
C:\Users\GuSo\Desktop\IBP.pwn(2063) : error 017: undefined symbol "AddCCTV"
C:\Users\GuSo\Desktop\IBP.pwn(2064) : error 017: undefined symbol "AddCCTV"
C:\Users\GuSo\Desktop\IBP.pwn(2065) : error 017: undefined symbol "AddCCTV"
C:\Users\GuSo\Desktop\IBP.pwn(2066) : error 017: undefined symbol "AddCCTV"
C:\Users\GuSo\Desktop\IBP.pwn(2067) : error 017: undefined symbol "AddCCTV"
C:\Users\GuSo\Desktop\IBP.pwn(2068) : error 017: undefined symbol "AddCCTV"
C:\Users\GuSo\Desktop\IBP.pwn(2069) : error 017: undefined symbol "AddCCTV"
C:\Users\GuSo\Desktop\IBP.pwn(2117) : error 004: function "FixHour" is not implemented
C:\Users\GuSo\Desktop\IBP.pwn(2141) : error 004: function "LoadDynamicFactions" is not implemented
C:\Users\GuSo\Desktop\IBP.pwn(2142) : error 004: function "LoadDynamicCars" is not implemented
C:\Users\GuSo\Desktop\IBP.pwn(2143) : error 004: function "LoadCivilianSpawn" is not implemented
C:\Users\GuSo\Desktop\IBP.pwn(2144) : error 004: function "LoadBuildings" is not implemented
C:\Users\GuSo\Desktop\IBP.pwn(2145) : error 004: function "LoadHouses" is not implemented
C:\Users\GuSo\Desktop\IBP.pwn(2146) : error 004: function "LoadBusinesses" is not implemented
C:\Users\GuSo\Desktop\IBP.pwn(2147) : error 004: function "LoadFactionMaterialsStorage" is not implemented
C:\Users\GuSo\Desktop\IBP.pwn(2148) : error 004: function "LoadFactionDrugsStorage" is not implemented
C:\Users\GuSo\Desktop\IBP.pwn(2149) : error 004: function "LoadDrivingTestPosition" is not implemented
C:\Users\GuSo\Desktop\IBP.pwn(2150) : error 004: function "LoadFlyingTestPosition" is not implemented
C:\Users\GuSo\Desktop\IBP.pwn(2151) : error 004: function "LoadBankPosition" is not implemented
C:\Users\GuSo\Desktop\IBP.pwn(2152) : error 004: function "LoadWeaponLicensePosition" is not implemented
26 Errors.

This is how it looked like before i touched it
	if(strcmp(cmd, "/carwindows", true) == 0)
			  SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "[Error:] Bikes do not have windows");
			  return 1;
		  if(CarWindowStatus[GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)] == 1)
				PlayerActionMessage(playerid,15.0,"rolled the windows down");
				CarWindowStatus[GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)] = 0;
		  else if(CarWindowStatus[GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)] == 0)
				PlayerActionMessage(playerid,15.0,"rolled up the windows");
				CarWindowStatus[GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)] = 1;
			SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "[Error:] You are not in a vehicle");
		return 1;

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