/bomb = Activate Car Bomb

How would I make a command that if your in a car, you can type /installbomb and in 10 seconds the call will explode?
(If not in a car, says your not in a car, and YOU NEED TO BE THE DRIVE TO DO IT.)
And to prevent anti-spam, you can only use the command once every 5 minutes.
Also, when you type /installbomb and it lets you install it, it sends conformation message? Thanks in advance.

Use IsPlayerInAnyVehicle function to check if player is in any vehicle, SetTimer/SetTimerEx for time delay (10 seconds) and CreateExplosion to create explosion.
About command anti-spam, you can use a variable for this - search around, there are few examples about this.

best bomb system ever


Use SetTimerEx,CreateExplosion,IsPlayerInAnyVehicle,Se ndClientMessage/GameTextForPlayer,OnPlayerCommandText

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