2 errors

C:\DOCUME~1\NIKOS\Desktop\GTASER~1\GAMEMO~1\cops.p wn(1262) : error 017: undefined symbol "udb_encode"
C:\DOCUME~1\NIKOS\Desktop\GTASER~1\GAMEMO~1\cops.p wn(1281) : error 017: undefined symbol "udb_encode"

I got these errors what i have to do?

You need to define udb_encode or simple type at top
#pragma unused udb_encode

thank you but i have the same errors...

ok i made it

if you do this #pragma unused udb_encode the actual command wont work... you need to find the Include that is using it.

EDIT: You need dini for this

i made it with #define and it work perfect... But i want to learn if i can make if a player has already a skin he spawn when he connects and he dont have to choose skin

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